
Free: The Podcast

Want to open up your ability to design your life in a conscious way? Wish you could create more personal freedom by doing more and being more of what you love? Join Megan Shumaker on a quest to discover how to turn life on its head and pivot in a completely different direction to be able to live more in line with your own personal values instead of blindly following societal expectations. You will be introduced to multiple ways of living and explore both your inner and outer worlds in order to live in a way that serves your highest good while still taking care of each other and the natural world. In this podcast, each episode is an in depth exploration into topics ranging from living off the grid to how we make decisions…from eccentric money management methods to releasing past life trauma. We’ll investigate anything that holds us back whether it be in the areas of health, wealth, relationships or time to uncover what one truly wants in order to live a life with more freedom, fun, adventure and wonder.